- 通过对体育美育的探索与研究,挖掘体育美的意蕴,拓宽新时期、新形式下对体育美的再认识。
- By exploring and studying the pe asethetic education , the author digged the meaning of the pe beauty , to widen the recognition to the pe beauty , under the new age ang new situation .
- 无论是传播纸质化时代,还是网络数字化时代,出版物质量的强大生命力,就是追求并确保语言文字的真善美,关键在于编校的内在质量管理。
- The strong vitality of the quality of publications , no matter in the dissemination of paper-based era , or in the network digitalize age , is to pursuit and ensure the truth , the good , and beauty of the language , the key lies in the internal quality management of the editors and proofreaders .
- 我们在现阶段已经看到了这种美学感应的迹象,这证明人类终于认识到只有狭隘的感性认识才将美学之于丑与美的意识领域区分开来。
- We already see in the present age the sign of this aesthetic reaction , which proves that man has at last come to know that it is only the narrowness of perception which sharply divides the field of his aesthetic consciousness into ugliness and beauty .