- 一些人喜欢把衬衣摺叠起来,但我喜欢把我的挂在衣架上。
- Some people fold their blouses , but I like to hang mine on a hanger .
- 悬崖衣架型:这些人非常有热情,每件事都等到最后经常在最后的截止日期前才完成所有的事情。
- Cliff hanger : these people thrive on excitement , delay everything to the last minute and usually need a deadline to complete anything .
- 通过将衣架的功能与折叠椅进行揉和,新的混合体诞生:折叠椅即使不用的时候也有一个功能,就是能使我们有序地存放衣服。
- By morphing the function of the hanger with that of the folding chair , a new hybrid is born : a hanger chair that has a function , even when not in use , to store our clothes in an orderly fashion .
- 上述两大举措均表明,在市场虚张声势之际,欧洲决意在最后的较量中获胜。
- Both measures show europe determined to win the showdown when markets called its bluff .
- 核恐吓较量中任何事都有可能发生
- Anything could happen in this game of nuclear bluff
- 事实上,外交是不是虚张声势,外交是74岁的枢机主教的优势。
- Indeed , diplomacy is not the bluff , 74-year-old cardinal 's strong point .
- 共和党人则嘲笑说,奥巴马以前表示将在阿富汗采取强硬政策原来一直是虚张声势。
- Republicans snort that he was bluffing all along when he said he would get tough in afghanistan .
- 他还说,欧盟是在吓唬人。
- He is saying that the eu is bluffing .
- 而内塔尼亚胡则可以声称他至少极大的削弱了现阶段哈马斯的导弹攻击力,并对那些声称他的军事威胁仅仅是吓唬人的批评者们还以颜色。
- Mr netanyahu could claim that he significantly weakened hamas 's missile capability , at least for now , and face down critics who claimed his military threats were just bluffing .