- 不要以为看图画书就过于孩子气。
- Don 't think that a picture book is too babyish .
- 这正是敬畏宇宙的环保作家elinkelsey和多伦多在住的韩国艺术家soyeonkim想要在《你是一颗星尘》里启迪孩子们的精神这本精致的图画书将逐渐灌输孩子们和自然世界建立联系的深层含义。
- That 's precisely the kind of cosmic awe environmental writer elin kelsey and toronto-based korean artist soyeon kim seek to inspire in kids in you are stardust ( public library ) - an exquisite picture-book that instills that profound sense of connection with the natural world .
- 艾米的爸爸认为是一本图画书。
- Amy 's dad guessed a picture book .