- 地方长官计划在拿撒勒到伯利恒的路上,修建一条途经纳布卢斯的小道,其计划名为“耶稣诞生的小道”,旨在期望外国游客会接踵而至。
- The governor hopes foreign tourists will follow , with plans for a " nativity trail " from nazareth to bethlehem to make a detour via nablus .
- 地方长官计划在拿撒勒到伯利恒的路上,修建一条途经纳布卢斯的小道,其计划名为“耶稣诞生的小道”,旨在期望外国游客会接踵而至。
- The governor hopes foreign tourists will follow , with plans for a " nativity trail " from nazareth to bethlehem to make a detour via nablus .
- 小看这一问题,或者,在处理问题时自欺欺人的作法,都会使我们走弯路并且付出高额代价。
- Either belittling this problem or self-deception in dealing with it will make us have a detour and pay a high cost .
- 而braingate做的就是绕过损坏的连接。
- What braingate does is bypass the broken connection .
- 修改真实的恶意代码来绕开防病毒软件没能让很多安全厂商高兴。
- The modification of actual malicious code to bypass antivirus has not pleased many security-software vendors .
- 其他服务公司则发布安卓和windows平台的应用程序,或者通过创建网页应用彻底绕开苹果平台。
- Other services publish to android and windows , or bypass apple altogether by creating web apps .
- 然而既然他们最终关心的事非法移民的水平,那么否认这些移民的孩子的国籍对于打击非法移民是一种迂回和非常不完美的方法。
- Yet since their ultimate concern is the level of illegal immigration , denying citizenship to the children of these immigrants would be a roundabout and very imperfect way of discouraging illegal immigration .
- 但尼日利亚仍在民主的迂回路上。
- But it is still a very roundabout way to democracy .
- 对与某些人,海德公园角只是个嘈杂的街心环岛,而对瓦萨诺而言,这儿的位置得天独厚。
- To some , hyde park corner is a noisy roundabout . To mr varsano , it is an unbeatable location .