- 胬肉切除联合球结膜瓣转位术的疗效。
- Effects of pterygium excision combined with bulbar conjunctival flap transplantation .
- 结论治疗复发性翼状胬肉自体角膜缘移植较结膜移植疗效好。
- Recurrent pterygium treated by limbal epithelial autograft transplantation and conjunctival autograft transplantation .
- 眼表;软性角膜接触镜;角膜荧光染色;印迹细胞学。
- Ocular ; soft contact lens ; fluorescein stain ing ; conjunctival impression cytology .
- 测试样本的灌输对角膜、虹膜和结膜有影响。
- Instillation of the test item resulted in effects on the cornea , iris and conjunctivae .
- 它通常是由严重的结膜炎或眼结膜发炎所引起,但它也可能是肿瘤以及伤及泪腺区和肺结核的出血性疾病所引起,印第安纳大学医学院的雷切尔弗里曼(rachelvreeman)博士解释说。
- It is usually caused by severe conjunctivitis or inflammation of the conjunctivae of the eye , but it can also be caused by tumors , bleeding disorders , injuries to the tear duct area and tuberculosis , explained dr. rachel vreeman of the indiana university school of medicine .