- 被客人称为奴役室的房间,床头上方装备了皮带和马具。
- One room , refered to by some guests as the bondage room , is equipped with leather straps and horse harnesses above the bed .
- 这些振奋人心的事件唤醒了这个真理,即没有人可以永远被捆绑在束缚中。
- These inspiring events recall the universal truth that no people can be held in bondage for ever .
- 任何风俗习惯都束缚不住他,因此他才能去除掉我身上的畏缩胆怯。
- No usage or custom was a bondage for him , and so was he able to rid me of my shrinking diffidence .
- 那些在bdsm中扮演统治或上位角色的人们会害怕被指控施暴和/或殴打。
- Those persons who assume the dominant or top role in a bdsm encounter may fear being charged with assault and / or battery .
- 不论涉入程度的深浅,参与bdsm的人们在很多方面易受攻击。
- Regardless of the degree of involvement , people who engage in bdsm are vulnerable to attack on many fronts .
- 一方认为,bdsm需要提高危险来获得高度愉悦。
- On one side are those who believe bdsm requires heightened risk to achieve heightened pleasure .
- 西班牙目前也面临着类似的困境。
- Spain is now in a similar bind .
- 老龄化社会让参加竞选活动的政治家们出于困境。
- Ageing societies put their electioneering politicians in a bind .
- 面临当前的财务困境,美国政府尤其不应该错过。
- In its current fiscal bind , america cannot afford to miss any .