- 2.展示灵活的管理方式。
- Describe your flexible management style . "
- 这是对于开发人员和管理人员都是双赢的局面。
- It 's a win-win situation for both development and management .
- 由于客户业务减少,财富管理部门的收入有所减少。
- Wealth management revenue decreased because of lower client activity .
- 这项操作成为连接。
- This operation is called concatenation .
- 整个操作在数秒钟之内完成。
- The whole operation was over in seconds .
- 这将是一种准财政的操作。
- This would be a quasi-fiscal operation .
- 什么时候跑步会变得容易些?
- When does running get easier ?
- 那次悲剧事件发生了十年之后,它仍在运转。
- Ten years after the tragic accident there , it was still running .
- 相反,它对那些能够保持经济运转的小部分银行实施了救助。
- Instead it rescued the bits needed to keep the economy running .