- 常期使用玉质刮痧板有助于行气活血、疏通经络而没有副作用。
- Regular use of the quality of the jade period scrapping plate qi huoxue help unclog the meridian and no side-effects .
- 经络及骨伤推拿:与针炙原理相同,仅作用方式不同。
- Meridian massage and bone : and acupuncture on the same principle , only the effect of different ways .
- 中医在研究人体生理和病理时,既重视局部病变和与之直接相关的脏腑、经络,又不忽视病变之脏腑、经络对其它脏腑、经络产生的影响。
- In studying the physiology and pathology of the human body , traditional chinese medicine not only emphasizes the regional pathological changes and the related viscera and meridian , but also pays great attention to the influence of the affected viscera and meridians upon other viscera and meridians .
- 爱因斯坦在他的广义相对论中认识到,可以以改变光轨迹的方式对时间和空间进行拉伸和弯曲。
- In his theory of general relativity , einstein realized that space and time can stretch and warp in ways that change the trajectory of light .
- 它已经平稳而良好地营业了十多年了,在旅行中的感觉像穿过了现实弯曲。
- It 's been running steadily for well over a decade , and being on the tour feels like stepping through a reality warp .
- edelstein不认为有效的护盾可行,但richardobousy相信用纳米技术做的超材料或者二维板片可能提供足够有效的保护,如果穿过翘曲泡泡不会完全回避这个问题的话。
- Edelstein doesn 't believe efficient shielding is possible , but richard obousy believes metamaterials or two-dimensional sheets of nanotech graphene might provide sufficient protection , assuming that moving via a warp bubble wouldn 't skirt the issue entirely .