- 如果没有详细说明,贷款机构或你的抵押贷款经纪人会给你提供建议。
- If it is not specified , the lender or your mortgage broker will be able to advise you .
- 在这种时候,经纪商或理财师可能会为你提供一些箴言或建议。
- At times like this , your broker or financial adviser may offer words of wisdom or advice .
- 向折扣经纪商(如hargreaveslansdown)购买来避免支付高额的首次费用。
- Avoid high initial charges by buying through a discount broker , such as hargreaves lansdown .
- 另一项可能影响代理程序行为的因素是其生理状态。
- Another factor that can influence an agent 's behaviour is its physiology .
- 港务局委任其租赁代理对其中风险进行了分析。
- The port authority commissioned its leasing agent to analyse the risk involved .
- 这是生命改变的代理人。
- It is life 's change agent .
- 以色列也开始充当中间人,向那些表面上拒绝和南非做生意的国家购买武器,再把武器交给南非。
- Israel also began to act as middleman , buying arms from countries that refused ostensibly to do business with pretoria and passing them on to the regime .
- 改进的浏览器和互联网连通性让开发商可以避开中间商,把他们的游戏直接交付给消费者。
- Improved browsers and internet connectivity has meant that developers can avoid the middleman and get their games directly to consumers .
- 但最重要的是,通过直接向被牢牢控制的大生产商购买产品,大型连锁店甩开了中间商。
- But most importantly , by trading directly with the big producers they control , the big chains have cut out the middleman .