- 虚拟组织注定是短暂的,因为它没有长时记忆的存储器、没有为同一组织工作多年的个体。
- The virtual organisation is inevitably ephemeral because it has no repository of long-term memory , no individuals who have worked for the same organisation for years and years .
- 职业选手最重要的事情是能够在相同的游戏和规则下,年复一年的练习和比赛,提升自己的技术水平。
- The most important thing for professionals is to be able to practice and play the same game , with the same rules , for years and years to hone their skills .
- 持续多年的公众不满终于在去年爆发-日本民主党夺取了自民党长达50年统治权的那一刻。
- Public frustration , festering for years , boiled over in the elections a year ago when the democratic party of japan ( dpj ) overthrew more than 50 years of rule by the liberal democratic party .