- 两个文士写的手稿。
- Two scribes wrote the manuscript .
- 那时,有法利赛人和经学家从耶路撒冷来到耶稣跟前,说。
- Then some pharisees and scribes came to jesus from jerusalem , saying .
- 文士和法利赛人是谁。
- Who are the scribes and pharisees .
- 他还与芝加哥南区的拉比过从甚密,他就是已过世的阿诺德雅各沃尔夫。
- He was close to a rabbi on the south side the late arnold jacob wolf .
- 犹太教教士马文海尔,作为西蒙维森塔尔中心的创建者和院长,宣布该中心获得了从未公开展示过的原始信件并附带有希特勒的署名。
- This week rabbi marvin hier the founder and dean of the simon wiesenthal center announced that the center has obtained the original signed letter which had never been publicly displayed .
- 1998年,他来到上海,目的是作为大陆自1950年以来的第一位拉比来服务于信徒,他没有过多的向警方、外交部和宗教事务局汇报。
- In 1998 , he arrived in shanghai intending to serve as the first rabbi on the mainland since the 1950s -- without announcing as much to the police , the foreign ministry , or the religious affairs bureau .