- 而这份报告旨在揭露事实、明确责任、解开谜团,帮助我们了解如何避免危机。
- This report endeavors to expose the facts , identify responsibility , unravel myths , and help us understand how the crisis could have been avoided .
- 有人表示,如果谈判人员未能在多哈达成协议,将破坏去年在南非德班举行的联合国会谈上勉强达成的脆弱协议,即最迟在2015年敲定一项能够在2020年生效的新的全球气候契约。
- If the negotiators fail to agree in doha , some say it could unravel the fragile accord wrung out at last year 's un talks in durban , south africa , to finalise a new global climate pact by 2015 that would enter force by 2020 .
- 美国官员在奥巴马出访前曾警告称,朝鲜的发射行动可能会破坏前不久美朝两国达成的向平壤提供粮食援助的协议,还可能引发更严厉的制裁,这也是奥巴马的两天首尔之行期间将主要强调的信息。
- U. s. officials warned ahead of mr. obama 's visit that a launch by north korea is likely to unravel a recent agreement to deliver food aid to pyongyang and could prompt stronger sanctions , a message the president will stress during his two days in seoul .