- 有一种更加微妙的方法可以衡量全球市场一体化的程度。
- There is a more subtle way of measuring the integration of global markets .
- 而我们则可以用面部动作来表达信息和进行微妙的交流。
- Whereas we can move our faces expressively and pick up on subtle communications .
- 有时候,腐败是微妙的,有时则很明显的。
- Sometimes the corruption is subtle ; sometimes it is blatant .
- 哥本哈根就是一个很好的例子。
- Copenhagen is a fine example .
- 我们这有很多好女人。
- We have many fine women .
- 如果抵押贷款成了你唯一的信贷时,罚款。
- Fine , if a mortgage is the only credit you have .
- 两个手臂的轻微动作强化了她沙漏型身材的完美造型。
- The slight movement in both her arms emphasizes the perfect shape of her hourglass figure .
- 一个细微的斜角被用来清楚的分隔按钮。
- A slight bevel is used to cleanly separate the buttons .
- 她对脉冲的细微的改动补偿了她窃听所引起的干扰。
- Her slight tweaks have compensated for the disturbances she creates .
- 有时一个细小的动作就够了。
- Sometimes a tiny behavior can betray everything .
- 幸福就来源于这些微小的成功。
- Happiness is made of those tiny successes .
- 在此之前必须从画上刮下细小的样本送去化学分析。
- Previously , tiny samples of paint had to be extracted and submitted to chemical analysis .