- 高粱是非洲最重要的谷物。
- Sorghum is an important grain for africa .
- 为何银行业和谷物仓储业被区别对待?
- Why aren 't banks treated like grain elevators ?
- 防风林在保护粮食作物方面极具价值。
- Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops .
- 设计干净的线条和大的枕梁。
- Design with clean lines .
- 听上去我们的线路有问题。
- Sounds like a problem with our lines .
- 游戏的线条很干净,没什么锯齿。
- Lines are clean , with few jaggies .
- 有些昆虫虽然有心脏,但却没有动脉或者静脉。
- Insects have a heart sometimes but no arteries or veins .
- 光脚走路对于那些饱受静脉曲张之苦的人们来说可谓是非常有益。
- Barefoot walking is highly beneficial for those who are suffering from varicose veins .
- 布兰德及其学生在《生态学通讯》期刊上刊登了有关叶脉的研究。
- Blonder and his students have published their work on veins in the journal ecology letters .
- 有机野玫瑰去纹驻颜全效霜50g。
- British nyr new organic wild rose to stria cream 50g total .
- 活性炭防低毒除酸臭花边型带呼吸阀防尘口罩。
- Active carbon particulate-proof respirator mask with breathing vavle and stria verge .
- 终纹床核在记忆稳固历程中的角色麸胺酸雨正肾上腺素之互动。
- Role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis on memory formation precesses : interaction between norepinephrine and glutamate .