- 第一份大纲并不需要太严谨。
- Make the first outline tentative .
- 根据你的大纲安排或者重排你的想法。
- Arrange and rearrange ideas to follow your outline .
- 如果形状是不规则的,阴影应该沿着轮廓走。
- If the shape is irregular , the shadow should follow its outline .
- 计划在9月30日到期。
- The programme expires on september 30th .
- 该计划亦能增加就业机会。
- The programme is also creating jobs .
- 孵化器计划也起到关键作用。
- The incubator programme was also pivotal .
- 我每每试着纠正她。
- I tried to correct her .
- 而激光手术可以纠正这两个问题。
- Laser eye surgery can correct both .
- 但公布的数据都正确吗?
- But are the numbers correct ?
- 蟑螂又名蜚蠊,属昆虫纲蜚蠊目。
- Cockroach is also called dictyoptera and belongs to blattaria of insecta .
- 现存蜉蝣翅基纵脉走向及愈合模式(昆虫纲:蜉蝣目)
- The bracing and fusing pattern of longitudinal veins at base in living mayflies ( insecta : ephemeroptera )