- 不过除了纯粹的人力因素,还有哪些内容是人们愿意分享的?
- But beyond pure manpower , what kind of content do people want to share ?
- 此次入侵花旗系统的黑客显然是纯罪犯,看中的是经济利益。
- The citi hackers are apparently pure criminals , motivated by financial gain .
- 这些挑衅行为不能被视为单纯的虚张声势。
- These provocations cannot be discounted as pure bluff .
- 但是要指出事实上有一种知识的进展,既不起于直接性,也不起于间接性,这就须以逻辑学自身和全部哲学作为样本。
- And to show that , in point of fact , there is a knowledge which advances neither by unmixed immediacy nor by unmixed mediation , we can point to the example of logic and the whole of philosophy .
- 最后,添加些简单的东西。
- Just some simple finishing stuff .
- 这理论听起来简单有效。
- And this theory sounds simple .
- 他的研究方法比较简单。
- His method is fairly simple .