- 那一系列报道开启了她的事业。
- That series launched her career .
- 那辆是宝马7系列么?
- Was that a bmw 7 series ?
- 这组按照时间先后顺序排列的图片体现了冰架瓦解的过程。
- This time-lapse series of images shows the progression of the ice breakup .
- 尼尔森杰克比和同事们首先计算出这种晶格的傅里叶变换从而得到了它的倒晶格。
- Nilsson jacobi and colleagues first calculated the fourier transform of the lattice , which gives its reciprocal lattice .
- 然而,利用傅立叶级数的前八项模态展开,便可获得集中力所带给拱形元件及基底总能量相当好的收敛性。
- However , the total energy of the arch converges quite well when only the first eight modes are used in the fourier series .
- 本文运用傅立叶灵活函数形式分析了分支机构迅速扩张中的12家股份制商业银行效率的变化情况。
- In this article , we use the fourier flexible functional form to analyze the efficiency changes of12share-holding commercial banks whose branches are expanding quickly .