- 但对于在职父亲呢?
- But what about working fathers ?
- 我对这一切感到担心。
- I worry about all this .
- 哈佛有大约6600名本科生。
- Harvard has about 6600 undergraduates .
- 新兴市场也大致在这一时期迅速发展。
- Emerging-market growth surged at roughly that time .
- 大约每个季度搭乘一次国际航班。
- Internationally , roughly once a quarter .
- 大约三分之一的成年人是胖子。
- Roughly one in three adults is obese .
- 2010年左右再回头问我这个问题。
- Ask me to look back in 2010 or so .
- 目前我已经收到50条左右类似的信息。
- I 've received 50 or so of these messages .
- 蛙卵需要一个星期左右才能孵化成蝌蚪。
- Frogspawn takes a week or so to hatch into tadpoles .