- 我想念我的动物园和红领巾,还有听写本和大队长肩章!
- I miss my zoo and the red triangle scarf , dictation books and the epaulet of team leader of young pioneers .
- 只见那老师(40多岁的女教师)和蔼的帮他整了整衣服,重新系了一遍红领巾。
- See that teacher only ( preceptress of many years old 40 ) help him genially make the clothing , fastened red scarf afresh .
- 与这个亚洲最大的城市城区中心肠带公园320公顷互为犄角的,是连合湖和红领巾公园。
- With this asia 320 hectare each other is the biggest urban center park of corner , it is unitive lake and red scarf park .