- 埃及亚历山大港,潜水人员在水底发现了亚历山大市的著名灯塔以及埃及艳后的宫殿遗迹。
- In alexandria , egypt , divers have found remnants of alexandria 's famous lighthouse as well as cleopatra 's palace .
- 位于地中海和马雷奥蒂斯湖(lakemareotis)之间的古城塔波西里斯马格纳在克利奥帕特拉时代曾是一座著名的港口城市,当地葡萄园酿制的葡萄酒十分出名。
- Located between the mediterranean and lake mareotis , the ancient city of taposiris magna had been a prominent port town during cleopatra 's time . Its vineyards were famous for their wine .
- 一切都开始于《埃及艳后》中的那一个长吻,当导演已经叫停的时候,两个人却继续吻了下去。
- It all began during a long on-screen kiss scene on the set of cleopatra , in which the two continued kissing even after the director called it a wrap .