- 然后突然周围的空气都安静了下来:高大茂盛的红树整齐地排列在路两边,就好像街道在唱着一首无声的祝福曲。
- At once there is a hush in the air as though the street is singing a silent benediction . Tall leafy mangroves line both sides of the road .
- 这两个孩子十一月一日黄昏划船经过红树林时发现一具裹在地毯里严重腐烂的尸体,就马上跑回家告述其父母。
- As they paddled past mangroves at dusk on 1 november , they spotted a badly decomposed body wrapped in a rug and raced to tell their parents .
- 然后突然周围的空气都安静了下来:高大茂盛的红树整齐地排列在路两边,就好像街道在唱着一首无声的祝福曲。
- At once there is a hush in the air as though the street is singing a silent benediction . Tall leafy mangroves line both sides of the road .
- 在一片年轻的红杉林里,一只被标记的北方斑点猫头鹰正俯冲向研究人员所设置的诱饵。
- A tagged northern spotted owl swoops toward a researcher 's lure in a young redwood forest .
- 这种工作室架构源自他在elevationpartners的经历即他离开电子艺界后在红木海岸为之效力的私人股本公司。
- This studio structure stems from his experience with elevation partners , the private equity firm he moved to in redwood shores .
- 测验主角首先被问及到假设世上最高的红木有x多英尺高,而这个x变量的可能变化幅度为85英尺至1000英尺高。
- Subjects were first asked if the tallest redwood tree in the world was more than x feet , with x ranging from eighty-five to a thousand feet .