- 没有人知道人类能否识别基于量子纠缠下的奇异的图像。
- Nobody knows whether humans can access exotic images based on quantum entanglement .
- 支持他们努力的核心根据是量子力学的叠加和缠结现象。
- At the core of their efforts lie the quantum-mechanical phenomena of superposition and entanglement .
- 而缠结则是编结粒子,以此增加丘比特数。
- Entanglement , meanwhile , is the roping together of particles in order to add more qubits .
- 其一必然是巴以纠纷。
- One inevitably is the israeli-palestinian dispute .
- 人们就银行家薪酬大幅上升的原因展开了激烈的争论。
- It is a matter of fierce dispute why banker pay swelled .
- 此次调查源于公众围绕2009年预算赤字数字的争论。
- The investigation follows a public dispute over the 2009 budget deficit figure .