- 然后让我的手感到沉重。
- Feel my hands get heavy .
- 重型汽车经过这座桥会很危险。
- This bridge was dangerous for heavy cars .
- 该国曾经尽力建造重型坦克和轻型战斗机。
- It struggled to make heavy tanks and light combat aircraft .
- 许多居民负有繁重债务,并会削减开支以应对价格的意外暴跌。
- Many householders have onerous debts , and would cut spending abruptly should prices plunge .
- 新的德拉克马会迅速贬值,导致希腊的债务负担更加繁重。
- The new drachma would plummet , making greece 's debt burden even more onerous .
- 最后,通胀将使资产负债表上的现有坏帐显得不那么繁重。
- Finally , it makes existing bad debts less onerous on the balance sheet .
- 辛苦的工作现在才开始。
- Now the hard work begins .
- 辛苦的工作是由收获的。
- The hard work paid off .
- 大部分人都抛弃了硬资产。
- Most people fled from hard assets .
- 希腊、西班牙和意大利为加入欧元区都作出了艰苦的努力。
- Greece , spain and italy all made strenuous efforts to qualify for the euro .
- 你只需记得一次艰苦的跑完步或看完一本很长的书---然后用来犒劳自己的不健康的零食和不用思考的电视剧。
- You need only remember a time when you completed a strenuous run or finished a long book-and then treated yourself to an unhealthy snack or mindless tv show .
- 这段上坡路比我想象的更费力,45分钟后我们终于走到了,但都已经精疲力尽。
- This walk up the hill was a lot more strenuous than I had anticipated and after 45 minutes we had made it but we were very tired .