- 置身其中,感官的盛宴并不是来源于繁复的装饰和令人目不暇给的花活儿,而得自于每一件物件。
- Place oneself among them , organic regale is not to originate the beautiful work that the adornment of heavy and complicated and have no time of eye making a person give , and derive from at each thing .
- 尽管科学家赞成大量接触高水平辐射可引发严重的健康问题或致死这种观点,但如何评估长期接触低水平辐射的风险则是一项更为复杂的工作,例如人们摄入接触了放射性物质的食物和水等。
- While scientists agree that heavy exposure to a high level of radiation can cause serious health problems or death , assessing the risk of long-term exposure to low-level radiation , such as when people ingesting food and water exposed to radioactive materials , is more complicated .
- 我认为交响乐对我来说太难懂、太复杂。
- I think symphonies are too heavy and complicated for me .