- 年轻的废皇后来被允许留在宫里,孙升格为皇后服务的时候皇室被赶出了紫禁城,数世纪的体制结束了,孙的梦想也被击碎了。
- The young ex-emperor was eventually allowed to stay in the palace and sun had risen to become an attendant to the empress when the imperial family were unceremoniously booted out of the forbidden city , ending centuries of tradition and sun 's dreams .
- 那段时期最具标志性的影像“民主女神”泡沫塑料雕像安详地望着紫禁城、不服命令的学生只身站在坦克面前将善与恶、自由与镇压、民主与独裁区分得一清二楚。
- The powerful iconography of those days the serene polystyrene statue of the " goddess of democracy " looking towards the forbidden city , the defiant student standing in front of a column of tanks supports a clear dichotomy between good and evil , freedom and repression , democracy and dictatorship .
- 摘要故宫作为明清两代的皇宫,至今仍完整地保留着一批清代藏传佛教殿堂,故宫博物院藏有大量极其珍贵的藏传佛教文物及与藏学有关的其他文物。
- Serving as the imperial palace during the ming and qing dynasties , the forbidden city has preserved a number of qing dynasty tibetan buddhist shrines and temples , and the palace museum has a large quantity of valuable sino-tibetan cultural relics and other material related to tibetan studies .