- 口腔癌病人接受手术及放射线治疗后牙关紧闭、口腔复原及其相关因子之探讨。
- Trismus , resilience and its related factors in oral cavity cancer patients receiving postoperative radiation therapy .
- 咬肌是最敏感的肌肉之一,张口困难是最常见的早期症状之一。
- The masseter muscle is one of the most sensitive muscles , and trismus is one of the earliest symptoms .
- 慢性咀嚼肌肌炎中,下颌肌肉萎缩、咀嚼肌纤维化,这将导致犬只无法张口。
- In chronic mmm there is atrophy of the jaw muscles , and scarring of the masticatory muscles due to fibrosis may result in inability to open the mouth ( trismus ) .
- 能获得更高的品牌忠诚度。
- Might secure greater brand loyalty .
- 安全住房本就稀有。
- Secure housing is already scarce .
- 了自己安全而寻求替罪羊。
- For a scapegoat to feel secure .
- 咬紧牙齿对我的痛苦,因为它爆发了。
- Clench my teeth against the pain as it flared .
- 坏习惯:咬紧我的颚。
- Bad habits : I clench my jaw a lot .
- 海南经济发展必须牢牢抓住工作主线。
- Hainan economy grows must clench job masterstroke .