- 这种神秘因素的作用始终存在。
- An element of mystery remains .
- 另一个因素也十分重要。
- One further element is essential .
- 制造出新的元素非常复杂。
- Making a new element is tricky .
- 尽量少吃植物油也有用。
- Minimizing vegetable oils helps , too .
- 尝试吃一种你从未吃过的蔬菜。
- Eat a new vegetable you 've never tried .
- 因此,有一个明确的使用不饱和植物油的商业理由。
- So there 's a clear commercial reason for using unsaturated vegetable fats .
- 怀特太太现在发怒了。
- Mrs white was angry now .
- 结婚是白人的专利吗?
- Is marriage for white people ?
- 怀特太太又叫了起来。
- Mrs white cried a gain .
- 最后,添加些简单的东西。
- Just some simple finishing stuff .
- 这理论听起来简单有效。
- And this theory sounds simple .
- 他的研究方法比较简单。
- His method is fairly simple .
- 炮声划破平静的夜空。
- Gunfire pierced the night quiet .
- 唯独女孩自己显得异常平静。
- But she is unusually quiet .
- 埃文利学校那天非常平静。
- Avonlea school was quiet that day .
- 研究人员已经想出了制止人们习惯性暴饮暴食和咬指甲的行为的方法。
- Researchers have figured out how to stop people from habitually overeating and biting their nails .
- 她习惯性地在欧洲生活半年,根据心情或情况来分配她在每座房子的时间。
- She habitually lived half of the year in europe , dividing her time among her houses according to mood or circumstances .
- 当货币动荡时,买家习惯性向黄金退却,以对冲通货膨胀。
- When currencies falter , buyers habitually retreat to gold as a hedge against inflation .
- 所以要经常使用烤箱温度计。
- Always use an oven thermometer .
- 要始终保持愉快的微笑。
- Always have a cheerful smile .
- 家家总是一起庆祝感恩节。
- Families always celebrate thanksgiving together .
- 皮质醇同时抑制瘦素和胰岛素分泌,从而增强饥饿感。
- It also blocks the release of leptin and insulin , increasing hunger .
- 睡眠不足会减慢你的新陈代谢并影响饥饿荷尔蒙瘦素和饥饿素。
- Sleep deprivation slows your metabolism and affects the hunger hormones leptin and ghrelin .
- 脂肪细胞为了告诉你已经吃饱了,会产生一种激素瘦素。
- Leptin is a hormone made by fat cells that tells you when you 're full .