- 如果男性真的想找回男子汉的精髓,男士理发店是个合适的选择。
- If men are indeed trying to regain the quintessence of their sex , then barbershops fit the bill .
- 精华,英国的出版商们,最终决定在标题上用“书”比“小说”更好。
- Quintessence , the british publishers , later decided that " books " worked better than " novels " in the title .
- 此时此地,端坐在一张方桌上、沐浴在透过防窥毛玻璃倾泻而下的加州阳光中的,是用史蒂夫乔布斯的话说计算的精华,迄今为止你或任何人都未曾见过的最难以置信的台式电脑。
- Right here , right now , sitting on a butcher-block table , bathed in the sunlight that pours in through spyproof frosted-glass windows , is -- repeat after steve jobs now -- the quintessence of computational coolness , the most fabulous desktop machine that you or anyone anywhere has ever seen .
- 小枝具角,带红色的具微糙硬毛和腺粒状,后脱落;髓固体。
- Branchlets angular , reddish hirtellous and glandular granulose , glabrescent ; pith solid .
- 印度到马来半岛出产的鱼尾状棕榈,;树汁出产一种红糖(棕榈粗),树干的木髓出产西谷米.
- Fishtail palm of india to malay peninsula sap yields a brown sugar jaggery and trunk pith yields sago .
- 普金将西方比喻为一个“戴着遮阳帽的严肃大叔”告诉别人应该如何生活。
- Mr putin compared the west to a " strict uncle in a pith helmet " telling other people how to live .
- 他的血液是时间的精髓。
- His blood is the marrow of time .
- 对于有些再生障碍性贫血病人,血液和骨髓干细胞移植可能会使其康复。
- Blood and marrow stem cell transplants may offer a cure for some people who have aplastic anemia .
- 再生障碍性贫血的治疗包括输血、血液和骨髓细胞移植还有配合药物。
- Treatments for aplastic anemia include blood transfusions , blood and marrow stem cell transplants , and medicines .
- 想要战胜心脏病吗?
- Want to beat heart attacks ?
- 打开自己的心灵。
- Keep your heart open .
- 软件开发已成为创新产业的核心。
- Software engineering is at heart a creative profession .