- 梁钰婷校友於新闻系毕业后,选择投考督察,加入警队。
- After her graduation , journalism alumna yvonne leung joined the hong kong police force as an inspector .
- 为应对批评者,梁振英上月公布了一份14页的声明和一个40页的附件,其中详细说明了寓所的销售文件和修建计划等。
- To address his critics , mr. leung last month released a 14-page statement as well as an additional 40-page annex detailing , among other things , sales documents , building plans and more .
- 梁是一个神秘的人物,有严厉的个人风格,易于被人妖魔化。
- Mr leung cuts a mysterious figure , with an austere personal style that makes him easy to demonise .