- 科鲁瓦村,用作煮饭燃料的粪饼堆。
- Stacks of dung cakes , used as cooking fuel , in the village of kohlua .
- 13/15苏丹.纳西尔:努尔部落的牛笼罩在驱散昆虫的粪烟之中。
- 13 / 15 Nasir , sudan : cattle belonging to the nuer tribe are shrouded in dung smoke to keep insects away
- 正如世界上最昂贵的咖啡,是由菲律宾树上一种啮齿类动物的没有消化完全的咖啡豆制成,史上最昂贵的茶即将由熊猫粪制作完成。
- Just as the world 's fanciest coffee is made from the partially digested coffee beans plucked from a filipino tree rodent 's poop , the world 's fanciest tea will soon be created from the dung of panda bears .
- 当时的作家们描写到大街小巷上随处堆积着人和动物的粪便,散发着恶臭的河流几乎被垃圾所填满。
- Writers at the time described huge piles of human and animal excrement collecting in the streets and fetid rivers almost solid with waste .
- 他们的排泄物是一种已知的抗原,会造成严重的呼吸问题。
- Their excrement is a known allergen which can cause serious breathing problems .
- 解开它们逃脱资源诅咒的秘密,将令无数民众免受“魔鬼排泄物”的毒害。
- Unlocking the secret of their escape from the resource curse could spare millions from the devil 's excrement .
- 吉尔博士和他的研究小组是通过提取两位志愿者粪便中的细菌dna后得出这一结论的。
- Dr gill and his team were able to come to this conclusion by extracting bacterial dna from the faeces of two volunteers .
- 他表示:“要在处理排泄物上得到科学基金是很难的。”
- " It is , " as he puts it , " hard to get a scientific grant for treating faeces . "
- 她从一个装有床虱排泄物的罐子里收集空气,将这些空气送进一种叫做气相色谱仪的机器中,这种机器会将气体的成分分解,然后再通过一个质谱仪用分子量来区分出各个成分。
- She did this by puffing air collected from a jar containing bed-bug faeces into a machine called a gas chromatograph , which separated the components from one another , and then through a mass spectrometer , to identify each component from its molecular weight .
- 他碰到什么东西都变成屎。
- Everything he touches turns to shit .
- 就像土耳其谚语说的,他现在是“拿着一根两头都是屎的棍子”。
- He is , as an old turkish saying goes , holding a stick with shit at both ends .
- 最近的研究利用出色的激光以及粪便(不会吧,真的假的?)
- Recent studies using the awesome powers of lasers and shit ( no , seriously ! )
- 因为那个凳子和两台电脑,我得到了一个最好的朋友。
- Because of that stool and a pair of computers , I gained a best friend .
- 此次调查始于一位医生将一份粪便样本递交给minnesota卫生署。
- It starts when a doctor sends a stool sample to the minnesota health department .
- 在幼年期,所有婴儿至少有一次会出现粪便带血的情况。
- At least once in infancy , all infants will have blood in their stool .