- 小米中所含的维生素b1和b2分别高于大米1.5倍和1倍,其蛋白质中含较多的色氨酸和蛋氨酸。
- Millet contained vitamin b1 and b2 , respectively , 1.5 times higher and one times than that of rice . It 's proteins containing tryptophan and methionine .
- 在华南,稻米价格分为五级到更多级别不等;在华北,包括小麦、粟和高粱在内的谷物分为五等七级。
- In the south , as many as five or more different grades of rice were included . In north china , five to seven grains were reported , including wheat , millet , and sorghum .
- 根据科学家们在《自然》杂志上发表的内容这些面条是用小米做的与现在的用面粉做的面条有所不同。
- Scientists tell the journal nature that the noodles were made using grains from millet grass - unlike modern noodles , which are made with wheat flour .
- 高粱是非洲最重要的谷物。
- Sorghum is an important grain for africa .
- 为何银行业和谷物仓储业被区别对待?
- Why aren 't banks treated like grain elevators ?
- 防风林在保护粮食作物方面极具价值。
- Windbreaks can be highly valuable for protecting grain crops .
- 她发现它曾在一处栗树树桩边上绕过几圈,大概是为了留下气味做标记。
- She found a spot where it had circled a chestnut stump , probably for scent marking .
- 最具创意的松露餐最后登场:由马斯卡彭奶酪、冰淇淋和最后剩下的松露片制成的甜点,还加入了蜂蜜和栗子牛轧糖。
- The most inventive truffle dish comes at the end : a dessert of mascarpone and ice cream infused with the last remaining scraps of truffle , with honey and chestnut nougat .
- 另一种疾病急性栎树衰退病正在杀死大量的栎树,同时由于此病的传染性能借助蛾子传播,栗树也在全国范围内被砍伐。
- A separate disease , acute oak decline , is killing oaks , while chestnut trees have been felled across the country because of infections spread by moths .