- 哪个你能坚持的更久?
- Which do you stick with longer ?
- 用硬包装纸管做一根雨棒。
- Make a rain stick with a cardboard wrapping paper tube .
- 与众不同的闪存记忆棒,设计成看上去就像一根巧克力棒的样子。
- Unusual flash memory stick designed to look like a chocolate bar .
- 同样,藤壶胶也很特别。
- Barnacle glue is equally special .
- 要把胶水放在手边。
- Keep a glue stick handy .
- 然而普通的胶水是达不到此要求的。
- Yet a simple glue would not be enough .
- 这压低了债券收益率。
- This pushed down bond yields .
- 债券市场的泡沫正在破裂?
- Is the bond bubble bursting ?
- 美国和英国的公债收益率已稳定在了历史低位上。
- Bond yields in the us and uk have stabilised at record lows .
- 现在将它粘贴到你最喜欢的文本处理器中。
- Now paste it into your favorite word processor .
- 将影子复制粘贴到一个新的图层。
- Just copy / paste it onto a new layer .
- 390多种被污染的花生酱和花生糊产品被召回。
- More than 390 products containing peanut butter or peanut paste have been recalled .