- 我觉得这简直无礼得令人发指。
- I find it infuriatingly rude .
- 他甚至对警察都很粗鲁。
- He 's even rude to the police .
- 但是他们粗鲁而有尖刻。
- But they 're rude and sarcastic .
- 我的手好干又粗糙!
- My hands are so dry and rough !
- 这些条带的边缘是粗糙的。
- The edges of the stripes are rough .
- 这些预测是粗略并且是我们急需的。
- Those estimates are rough and ready .
- 当他在1973年进入国会之时,许多人认为他粗野蛮横、愚钝无礼,可是他们却惊讶的发现他说话得体、谈吐不凡,因为真实诚恳、知识渊博所以与1980年担任以色列的外交部长来处理外交事务。
- When he entered the knesset in 1973 many thought him dull and boorish , and were surprised that he made a decent speaker and , in 1980 , a foreign minister with a genuine and knowledgeable interest in foreign affairs .
- 拒绝授予的荣誉之举似乎又粗鲁无礼又大煞风景,并且太自命不凡了。
- To refuse an honor offered seems boorish , unconvivial , pretentious .
- 一个粗野的壮汉实际上是从一个贫苦的母亲那里买走了一个头脑不太健全的快乐的女孩,去充当他的小丑,厨师和情妇。
- A boorish and brutish strong man literally buys a happy but mentally incompetent lass from her impoverished mother to serve as his clown , cook and concubine .
- 几乎得天花的所有人都会有明显的疹子。
- Almost everyone who got smallpox developed a distinct rash .
- 一旦有长出不明疹子的迹象时就着手治疗。
- Get treatment at the first sign of unexplained rash .
- 若你的孩子出现颈项强直或发烧起疹子,你就要去找医生帮忙。
- Call your doctor for advice if your child has neck stiffness or a rash with a fever .