- 当然,没有任何比喻是完美无瑕的。
- Of course , no analogy is perfect .
- 自然选择的比喻不可否认并不完美。
- The natural-selection analogy is admittedly imperfect .
- 此时,历史类比很直接。
- Here the historical analogy is direct .
- 具有电子应变片测量系统和较大模拟读数显示的现代化检测台。
- Modern test stand with electronic strain gauge measuring systems and large analogue readouts .
- 通信管理局将在2010年拍卖现在由模拟电视广播使用的频率,将它移交给手机运营商。
- Ofcom will auction off the frequency currently used by analogue television broadcasts in 2010 , handing it over for use by mobile operators .
- 模拟蓄电池组的安装,现场配制电解液,理论回答日常维护相结合。
- Install analogue storage battery , confect electrolyte on the spot and daily maintenance theory .
- 法条的反对一方则用了不同的类推,他们并没有用ipod和walkman对比,而是将其与打印机、游戏机以及剃刀进行比较。
- The law 's opponents reach for different analogies . They compare the ipod not to the walkman , but to printers , games consoles and razors .
- 从泡在浴缸里的阿基米德到乘电梯考虑相对论的爱因斯坦,但凡伟大的创新者都会用类推解决复杂的问题。
- Great innovators , from archimedes in his bathtub to einstein riding his elevator of relativity , have used analogies to solve complex problems .
- 照此类推,这不算糟糕。
- As analogies go , it is not a bad one .