- 听彼得这么一说海蒂立即跳了起来跑向他,她的围裙里装满了花朵。
- That did it . Heidi immediately sprang to her feet and ran up to peter with her apron full of flowers .
- 斩杀草将败洞藏,花官难敌招招狠,斑斑血迹溅玉床,狂笑今战胜嫩草,愈罢花草尽杀光。
- Behead kills grass to will defeat hole tibet , action of beautiful official irresistibility enrols firm , full of stains or spots bloodstain splashs jade bed , guffaw today conquer tender grass , stop more flowers and plants all kills light .
- 使用美好的盖子有很多花,是这个了不起的科多巴生产商的寒冷的声音的警告。
- With a beautiful cover full of flowers , is a warning of the chill sound of this great cordoba producer .