- 我们想知道,他会不会用同样的话来指责筷子呢?
- Would he say the same thing about chopsticks , we wonder ?
- 作为一份礼物,筷子就如他们的外形一样象征着爽直。
- As a gift , chopsticks symbolize straightforwardness because of their shape .
- 许多道菜都是共享的,大家用筷子来夹菜。
- Many dishes are communal , with everyone dipping in with their chopsticks .
- 这些云朵可以组成单独的云簇,也可以沿着暴风线的冷锋分布。
- The clouds can form alone , in clusters , or along acold front in a squall line .
- 网络能够通过把不同的部分组织成独立的簇,然后再连结起来,以此来达到最大的phi值。
- Networks gain the highest phi possible if their parts are organized into separate clusters , which are then joined .
- 理智上说,我理解这些胚囊根本就不是婴儿;它们只是一堆具有无限潜力的简单的细胞簇。
- Intellectually , I understand that blastocysts aren 't babies at all ; they are simply clusters of cells with a lot of potential .