- 用人单位违反相关规定,劳动者应直接向有管辖权的劳动监察部门投诉,由劳动监察部门依法进行查处。
- If an employer violates relevant provisions , laborer should be directed to have jurisdiction over the labor censorial branch complaints , by labor censorial branch to undertake investigating lawfully .
- 发生劳动争议的单位与职工不在同一个仲裁委员会管辖地区的,由职工当事人工资关系所在地仲裁委员会受理。
- Has the labor dispute unit and the staff does not have jurisdiction over the area in the identical arbitration committee , accepts by the staff litigant wage relation locus arbitration committee .
- 在美国民事诉讼中,地域管辖规则要求初审法院必须对当事人享有属地上的管辖权,联邦宪法要求初审法院对当事人的这种管辖权必须符合其第十四条修正案中规定的正当程序的要求。
- In american civil proceedings , the territoriality principle requires that a trial court have territory jurisdiction over the relevant party . Further , the us constitution provides that such a jurisdiction must conform to the due process prescribed in amendment 14 .