- 他的目光突然落在除了一个烧焦的薯片包装袋外空无一物的壁炉上。
- His eyes fell on the empty grate with the shriveled chip bags in it and he snorted .
- 他让我把你铐在栅栏上。
- He wants me to handcuff you to that grate .
- 低于此区是篦。
- Below this zone is the grate .
- 我并不只是在谈论网格系统和粗陋的屏幕设计。
- I 'm not just talking about grid systems and earthy screen designs .
- 基于栅格系统的设计在网络上越来越流行了。
- Grid based designs is more popular and hot in the internet .
- 不管你用了任何一种栅格,都应该始终如一。
- As with any grid system , use it consistently .