- 最后,添加些简单的东西。
- Just some simple finishing stuff .
- 这理论听起来简单有效。
- And this theory sounds simple .
- 他的研究方法比较简单。
- His method is fairly simple .
- 她的短暂现身几乎抢走了内衣秀的风头。
- Her brief appearance almost stole the show .
- 保持渐变的简短但要稍微能注意到。
- Keep the fade brief but slightly noticeable .
- 下面是我对你的问题的简要回答。
- Here are brief answers to your questions .
- sep代表简化的雇员退休金。
- Sep stands for simplified employee pension .
- 现在加里宁格勒的居民要靠简化的签证才能穿越立陶宛。
- Residents of kaliningrad now travel through lithuania on a simplified visa .
- 他们简化了意大利繁冗施的官僚体制。
- They have simplified italy 's tangled bureaucracy .