- 你认为消费者会在乎平板电脑里安装的是Tegra3处理器还是英特尔芯片吗?
- Do consumers care whether they have a tegra 3 processor or an intel chip inside a tablet ?
- 但从我们的观点来看,这看上去不会对芯片业务有多少影响。
- But from our point of view it doesn 't look like there 's much impact on the chip business .
- 同时,支持高端笔记本的英特尔(Intel)IvyBridge芯片又将推迟发布时间。
- Intel 's ( intc ) ivy bridge chip , which powers higher-end laptops , is facing a delay .
- 这是许多网上投票系统的通行做法以避免当前实时计算的结果影响选民的投票。
- This is what many online polling systems do to avoid letting the current tally influence the voters .
- 如果你有考虑过做减肥手术,先计算好你所有的花费,所以你将清楚你的底线。
- If you 've been considering bariatric surgery , tally up all your expenses upfront so you 'll know your liability down the line .
- 爱沙尼亚足球甲级联赛11月结束,因此,他不能进入计算。
- The estonian league season finished in november , therefore cekulajevs cannot add to his tally .
- 有很多论点反驳了这种理论。
- Several arguments counter that theory .
- 其他人反驳说,成本并非一切。
- Others counter that costs are not everything .
- 对柜台人员说好话就行。
- Just be sweet to the counter attendants .
- 科罗拉多的共和党也许会对着11小时的计谋感到遗憾。
- Republicans in colorado may come to regret the 11th-hour stratagem .
- 当吉多韦斯特韦勒被绊了一下时,他通常的策略是假装什么都没发生。
- When guido westerwelle stumbles , his usual stratagem is to pretend nothing happened .
- 随着时间的流逝,起初感觉令人眩晕的狂喜于你那聪明的诡计,现在开始变的自责。
- As time passes , the giddy elation you felt at first , at the brilliance of your stratagem , begins eroding into shame .
- 在前一天晚上做好准备。
- Prepare the night before .
- 要做好坏消息的准备。
- Prepare for some bad news .
- 他们抱最好的期望,做最坏的打算。
- They hope for the best and prepare for the worst .
- 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。
- Ch I bought last year has got a lovely garden .
- 老师将教我们如何冲洗。
- Ch us how to develop photographs .
- 我感觉我有很多想表达的东西。
- I just feelike I have so ch to say .