- 但是因为尖锐易碎的后齿没有磨损,所以霍金认为虽然这些三角形的后齿看起来很锋利,但是当它们闭合时则形成了一个大小及其适合过滤的筛。
- But since there is no such wear on the sharp and delicate postcanines , he believes that although these triangular rear teeth look fierce , when closed they form a sieve that is the perfect size for filtering .
- 早期的理论表明,梦只是一种抓住重要记忆的意识筛子。
- Early theories suggested dreams were just a kind of mind sieve that captures our important memories .
- 这会变得如同试图用筛子当酒杯,去接不断流出的香槟。
- It becomes like trying to drink from a constant flow of champagne with a sieve for a glass .
- 血栓形成筛选实验阴性。
- Thrombophilia screening tests were negative .
- 癌症筛查显示的结果有哪些?
- What can breast screening show ?
- 对“软技能”进行正确的筛选是非常重要的。
- Screening for the right soft skills is critical .
- 奥巴马先生将仔细权衡利弊以对所有考虑进行筛选。
- Mr obama will carefully weigh the arguments and sift all options .
- 而那些数据筛选软件的销售商,也可能干得不错。
- Vendors of programs that sift through data are also likely to do well .
- 以色列公司face.com正推出脸部识别软件,能更好地对这些照片进行筛选。
- Face.com , an israeli company , is launching facial recognition software that can sift through these better .