- 然而卡拉奇并不是普通的城市。
- But karachi is no ordinary city .
- 这并不是普通的俱乐部。
- This was no ordinary clubhouse .
- 奇怪的是,极少富裕玩家能够拍出即使普通的作品。
- Oddly , few rich amateurs produce ordinary work .
- 比起向一个很久以前被断定为对国际事务不重要的洲发表演讲,法国和美国的总统肯定有更为迫切的需要优先考虑的事。
- Surely the french and american presidents had more pressing priorities than addressing a continent so long ago judged unimportant to global affairs .
- 我显然是屋里最不重要的人:我这个熟人邀请了自己公司的整个董事会,还有一些在他看来可能是个人物的人。
- I was easily the most unimportant person in the room : the man had invited the entire board of his company as well as anyone else he could think of who was vaguely anybody .
- 这并不是说那些“(实用)技能领域”是不重要的,相反,我们需要对“商业教育”的看法进行扩展。
- None of this is to say that functional areas are unimportant . Rather we need to broaden our perspective on business education .
- 放眼雅典街头,失业者漫无目的地闲逛,老人在乞讨,这些景象让人感到,西式的民主正一点点破碎。
- In the streets of athens , where the unemployed wander aimlessly and old people beg , one can see the slow shredding of western democracy .
- 这很好理解:学校和大学都放了暑假,上百万毕业生漫无目的地窝在家里,想方设法要找一份工作。
- Little wonder : now that school and college are out for the summer , millions of graduates are lodged aimlessly in the family home , struggling to find jobs .
- 我顺路到警察局看看能不能找到一张当地地图,因为巴东市的街道排列实在没有任何规律可循,而且我也不想漫无目的地在街上暴走、找酒店。
- I 'd stopped by the police station looking for a map-there was no apparent logic to padang 's streets and I was tired of aimlessly walking in search of a hotel .
- 比蒂不是一个普通的部长。
- Biti is not your average minister .
- 国际平均的水平是在10%左右。
- The international average is around 10 % .
- 美国普通家庭的厨房都充满创新。
- The average american kitchen is lousy with innovation .