- 据说,1995年,为了惩罚空头们,马来西亚财政部曾建议使用鞭刑。
- In 1995 malaysia 's finance ministry reportedly proposed caning as a punishment for abusive shorting .
- 马来西亚法院被要求重审在2007年对一名喝啤酒的女性施以鞭刑的判决。
- A malaysian court ordered the review of a sentence of caning given to a woman caught drinking beer in 2007 .
- 据新加坡副总理张志贤(teocheehean)说,按照拟议中的新法,法庭将有权酌情对被判毒品犯罪的部分人员处以终身监禁加鞭刑,而不是死刑,不过条件是他们给予当局实质而有效的合作,或者是有智力缺陷。
- The proposed new law will give courts the discretion to sentence some people convicted of drug-related crimes to life in prison with caning , rather than to death , provided they cooperate with authorities in a ' substantive way , ' or provided they have a mental disability , said deputy prime minister teo chee hean .
- 南方当替罪羊的时候已经够久了。
- The south 's been the whipping boy long enough .
- 随着该行前董事长和财务总监上月被捕,并接受审讯,该行已成为整个国家的替罪羊。
- With the arrest and questioning of its former chairman and finance director last month , it has become the national whipping boy .
- 我们今天供应可供搅打的奶油。
- We serve whipping cream today .
- 超级英雄小队:无限挑战。
- Marvel super hero squad infinity gauntlet .
- 温迪此时不得不接受她母亲向她发出的挑战。
- Wendy now had to pick up the gauntlet thrown down by her mother .
- 对于哥特列特来说到底什么是大麻烦?
- So what 's the big problem with the gauntlet anyway ?