- 初创国际翻译同心专心致力于专业笔译、伴随口译、瓜代口译、同声传译等各种营业。
- Innovation international interpreter is absorption devote oneself to professional written translation , accompany the business such as oral interpretation , alternant oral interpretation , simultaneous interpretation .
- 从“诗学”这一古老概念出发,深入探讨张爱玲国语注译晚清吴语小说《海上花列传》(语内翻译)的原因。
- Starting with the old notion of poetics , this paper gives a deep exploration of the causes why zhang ailing annotated in mandarin ( intralingual translation ) the novel biographies of shanghai flowers written in wu dialect .
- 马克雷文希尔,皇家莎士比亚剧团的住校作家,写了一个新的翻译布莱希特的戏剧。
- Mark ravenhill , the rsc 's writer in residence , has written a new translation of brecht 's play .
- 然而演说并为转化成实际行动。
- Yet the talk did not translate into action .
- 这意味着要想办法将其经济实力转化为政治实力。
- This means finding ways to translate its economic muscle into political clout .
- 那么,什么时候这些溢美之辞才能转化为更多的工资收入呢?
- So when will those kind words translate into more money ?