- 你必须要确定你已经准备好了,因为当你向世界上所有还在寻找爱的人宣布它时,你必须确定你在和别人约会时,你不会伤害她。
- You have to be sure because when you are going to declare this to all the eligible bachelors and bachelorette in the world , you 're sure of it you will not hurt anyone you are dating along the way .
- 选中这种类型的数据的目的是希望它能与预测值保持一致,但是无需确保如此。
- This kind of information is selected in a hope that it will cohere with the predicted value , but we do not have to be sure about it .
- 基地组织阿拉伯半岛分支性质模糊,这使得其策略难以捉摸,以至于确定哪些袭击是由该组织发起的都很困难,除非它宣布对袭击负责。
- The nebulous nature of al-qaeda 's arabian franchise makes it hard to assess the group 's strategy or even to be sure which attacks it is behind , unless it publishes a claim for responsibility .