- 贝利和祖克也在一直研究黑背信天翁,这种动物物种的雌性个体会建立同性配对,并一同抚养后代。
- Bailey and zuk are also researching the laysan albatross , a species in which females form same-sex pairs and rear young together .
- 经过九段同样令人愉快的章节,zuk将注意力集中到蚂蚁、蜜蜂、蚱蜢、蟑螂、蟋蟀迷人的行为(只是她研究课题的一小部分)和主导着进化生物学与生态学的更普遍问题上。
- Over nine consistently delightful chapters , zuk pulls focus between the intriguing daily habits of ants , bees , grasshoppers , cockroaches and crickets ( to name just a few of her subjects ) and the broader questions that drive evolutionary biology and ecology .
- 正如zuk写道,“一只猴子与一只老鼠的差别远远少于一只蚱蜢与一只跳蚤的差异。”
- As zuk notes , " a monkey is a lot more like a mouse than a grasshopper is like a flea . "
- 虚证便秘患者肛管直肠压力测定及益气润肠液对其影响。
- Effect of reinforcing qi and moistening intestine oral liquid on anorectal manometry of asthenia type constipation patients .
- 孕妈咪吃还可以益气、助消化及促进胎宝宝大脑健康发育。
- Bulletin boards can also eat qi , aid digestion and promote the healthy development of your baby brain .
- 我对齐白石的画很着迷,这幅可爱的小虾图就是他绘画中一个可爱的典范。
- I 'm crazy about the paintings of qi baishi , and this delightful picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work .