- 应当能从价值评估中得到线索。
- Valuation ought to provide a clue .
- 别把你的重要线索放在那儿。
- Don 't put your vital clue there .
- 他打开书,翻到第一个,很快找到了一个相匹配的提示。
- He opens it to the first one and quickly finds a suitable clue .
- sm是性的一个极成熟世故的一个方面,一个孩子不大可能会去问,除非他或她得到了某些暗示说sm存在,而对它的细节又有一些模糊的感觉。
- Sm is a sophisticated area of sexuality , and it is unlikely a child will ask about it unless he or she has some inkling that sm exists , and has some vague sense of what it entails .
- 很多物理学家宁可相信希格斯玻色子与希格斯博士和其它物理学家预测的性质不同,因为这样会给他们一点暗示,广受尊敬的标准模型理论的替代理论,依旧在隐藏之中。
- The reason many physicists would prefer it to differ from what dr higgs and the others postulated is that this would give them an inkling of where the successor to the standard model , as that venerable theory is known , might be hiding .
- 他们在拜访了菲尼克斯城外一位女士的家之后找到了一点端倪。
- Their first inkling came when they visited a woman 's home outside phoenix .