- 我们的孩子在做什么?
- What is our child doing ?
- 小孩哭着跑去躲起来。
- The weeping child had run to hide .
- 孩子马上就康复了。
- The child was soon cured .
- 看起来它们可能的确又秃又丑,但裸鼹鼠从不得癌症。
- They might be bald and ugly , but naked mole rats never get cancer .
- 40岁的a先生是个推销员,秃顶,一身皱巴巴的灰色西装,戴着眼镜。
- Mr a is a bald 40-year-old salesman in a crumpled grey suit and glasses .
- 当你是一个秃顶了的又矮又肥的老头的时候,已经没有什么可以去猎取虚荣了。
- When you 're a short fat old man with a bald head , there 's not a lot to get vain about .
- 她还表示:让孩子们看到几个裸露的胸部并没什么大问题。
- She said she couldn 't see a problem with children being exposed to a few bare breasts .
- 装饰感恩节餐桌是一回事,但我们怎能让自家大门光秃秃的。
- Decorating the table is one thing , but don 't leave your door bare .
- 不久,强风和11月份的暴雨将为它们敲响了警钟,树木将被剥离裸露。
- Soon the strong winds and rains of november will take their toll , and the trees will be stripped bare .
- 系特首董建华今日发表上任第五份施政报告后,你对香港前途既信心增加定减少左?
- Has your confidence in the future of hong kong increased or decreased after chief executive tung chee-hwa issued his fifth policy address ?
- 不管怎样,董先生现在有一个他想要的立法会了。
- Either way , mr tung now has the legco he wants .
- 阜阳市颍东硫酸贸易中心。
- Fuyang city ying tung sulfate trade center .
- 要我唱摇篮曲给你听吗?
- Want me to sing you a lullaby ?
- 当她唱催眠曲大自然。
- When mother nature sings her lullaby .
- 他还会给我喝牛奶吃饼干再唱首摇篮曲吗?
- Will he be giving me milk and cookies and singing a lullaby ?