- 利用照片表示的内容往往因图像的冲击力显得较为突出,所以在设计过程中要注意其他的设计元素要支撑它而不是与它争夺用户的注意力。
- Photographic content tends to come to the fore due to its strong graphical impact , so other elements should be designed to support that effect and not to compete with it for the viewer 's attention .
- 航太工程师和生物力学工程师很早就发现了这种记忆合金,但直到最近国内的工程师们才注意到这种材料。
- Aerospace and biomechanical engineers have long been aware of shape-memory alloys , but these materials have come to the attention of civil engineers only recently .
- 尽管首先出现在你脑海中的也许是鞋店里夺目的标价牌,但是健康专家提醒道,要为女人的高跟鞋付出最大代价的不是她们的钱包,而是女性的健康。
- Although an eye-popping price tag at the shoe store may be the first thing to come to mind , health professionals believe that it is the toll shoes take on women 's health , not their wallets , that bares attention .