- 你干嘛偷看我洗澡啊?
- Why did you peep on me ?
- 有些学生会偷看老师的桌子,看考卷是否在里面。
- Eg. some of the students would peep into a teacher 's desk to see if the examination papers were there .
- 2/12约旦河西岸.吉瓦特组利亚:透过某居住区内一间临时住房的墙上开辟出来的窗户,几个以色列女孩在向内偷看。
- 2 / 12 Givat tzuria , west bank : israeli girls peep through a window cut out of the wall of a makeshift structure in a settlement
- 你有看那部女侦探的电影吗?
- Did you see that spy girl movie ?
- 第11名嫌疑间谍在塞浦路斯保释期间失踪。
- An 11th suspected spy disappeared while on bail in cyprus .
- 而作为一名间谍,一定会保守那些秘密。
- A spy would have kept those things secret .
- 于是父母躲在附近飞衣橱里紧张地等待着,从钥匙孔偷看儿子回来的一举一动。
- So the parents hid in the nearby closet and waited nervously . Peeping through the keyhole they saw their son arrive .
- 花上5分钟面试一下这位女士,将更快地确定她是否适合你的公司,而不是暗地里从互联网上收集信息。
- Five minutes spent interviewing this woman will establish much more quickly whether she will be suitable for your company than peeping through the wonky keyhole of the internet .
- 想享受换季的乐趣并不用买东西:清新的空气和南瓜,雪压树枝,明媚的阳光,还有从土地中探出头来的嫩芽。
- Think of enjoying what each season offers that doesn 't involve buying : crisp air and pumpkins , snow on branches , buttery sunshine and buds peeping from the ground .
- 那部电影受到了批评,因为里面有窥淫癖镜头,从欣赏、朦胧的角度表现娼妓。
- The film was criticized for its voyeuristic photography , showing the prostitutes in a flattering and shadowy light .
- 公然比喻自己妻子是“米罗的维纳斯”却到处寻花问柳,他的诗歌偶尔透露出对女性的窥私欲和轻视:“我从女人中得到的/很难/评价”。
- A serial philanderer who publicly described his wife as " no venus de milo " , his poetry is occasionally voyeuristic and antagonistic towards women : " what I got out of women / was difficult / to assess . "
- 很多人都是向往和迷恋性也会说出这种技术的另一个好处用途但我不准备去.
- A lot of people who are either fascinated or obsessed with sex will also tell you about the benefits of this technology for their voyeuristic purposes , but I 'm not going to go there .